Soon, my pretties!

Just found out that IN THE SERPENT’S WAKE will be out in paperback on Feb. 21st! If you’ve been waiting for the paperback, or waiting for both books of the duology to be out in paperback, the wait is almost over.

Also! I have a short story, called GHOST STORY, coming out on Feb. 17th at The Sunday Morning Transport. What’s TSMT, you ask brightly? Why, a wonderful scheme to get a new SFF story into your inbox every Sunday morning, of course! The editors, Julian Yap and Fran Wilde, have a knack for attracting amazing authors, and for choosing just the right stories to read curled up on the couch with a big cup of coffee.

AND, they have granted me something truly special, which is the ability to bestow upon you (yes, YOU) a free 60-day subscription, thereby enabling you to read not just my story, but the other great stories coming out for the next couple months and (I believe) the pay-walled archives from last year. Here’s the link, and please do go check it out.

One thought on “Soon, my pretties!

  1. Dear Rachel Hartman

    I read Seraphina many years ago and it still resonates with me so deeply. I see so much of myself in her and I even see myself in you, (from what little I know of you!)
    I read Tess of the Road and I love her story. You have such a wonderful way of writing I will always be grateful to read your books and Seraphina will always be my top favourite book.
    Thank you so much, please keep writing, I hope you make a graphic novel of the lady knight because I heard about that once and I wish I could see more about her story!
    Thanks so much for bringing imagination and inspiration to this world. You are amazing.

Speak, friend!