I know I said I was busy

But I’m always saying that! And there’s always time enough to let you know that the fabulous ladies (plus Archer, who ain’t no lady) at Cuddlebuggery Book Blog have posted an interview with me, in their trademarked Cuddlebuggery style. Which seems to involve dressing up like Vikings, something the rest of us just don’t do often enough in our daily lives.

Another interview

Hop on over to BrodartVibe’s Blog for A Conversation with Rachel Hartman. These questions were fun to answer, and the one about my favourite “library moment” really made me think (which I always enjoy!)

I am travelling soon to visit family, so posting will probably be light until the middle of next week. Just so you’re warned. Forewarned is forearmed, as they say.

And four-armed is half an octopus. Words to consider, friends. Weird, weird words to consider.


Thinking about listening

I have a guest post up at Suvudu.com — The Top 10 Songs I Listened to While Writing Seraphina. It details my odd tendency to put songs on endless repeat and suck all the goodness out of them, like some sort of musical vampire.

I’m not sure how it’s possible, but I still love all those songs, even after the repetitions. You’d think they’d get old. Maybe they DO get old, and that’s what I like, treading those well-worn paths again and again. The familiarity. I have no idea. There is music I used to love that I’ve outgrown – most Beatles songs, for example, I get impatient with now – so that can happen. Other things I love even better with age. Is there rhyme or reason to any of it?

It bears thinking about. Can you use a specific piece of music to light up a specific part of your brain, and how is your written output different while under that influence? Because I’m sure I stop consciously listening to the music after a while; I have to, or I couldn’t be thinking about the words I need to write. It can be hard to maintain a strong feeling while thinking. Is music a way to keep that gate open, somehow, so there’s access to the feeling while I’m doing the problem-solving work writing requires?

No idea. But seriously, neurologists of the world, maybe y’all should get on that! I’ll be interested in knowing the results.



In honour of the end of the UK blog tour, we have a special double guest-posting today! First, The Inspiration Behind the Book at Words on the Shelf (thanks, Mazz!).

Second, The Making of the Dragon Mind over at writer Katy Moran’s blog. Thanks Katy! And thanks again to Random House UK and all the participating bloggers for arranging such a super fun tour!

My MTV interview

Bah, I can’t seem to embed this video, possibly due to my being in Canada, but if anyone would like to see the live clip I did from SDCC a couple weeks ago, here it is. Considering how little sleep I got the night before, I managed to be reasonably articulate!

Thanks to my hosts at MTV, and to my publicist, Paul, for setting this up.

The grand tour continues

Today’s guest post is hosted by YA Book Reads, and is called The Story Behind the Story. Natasha has also reviewed Seraphina. Thanks so much, Natasha, and YA Book Reads for hosting!

More UK blog tour goodness

Today at Bookster Reviews, a guest post detailing my dream movie cast for Seraphina. Thanks for hosting, Cliona!

Of all the interview questions and guest posts I’ve done, this was the most challenging. I honestly hadn’t thought about this pressing issue very much! I imagine you readers are going to have differing opinions on this, and I’d love to hear them. Avid moviegoers will surely have better insight into the question than I do. So what do you think? Tell me where I picked wrong! Nothing’s set in stone.

Well, except for William Shatner, ha ha. I can broach no compromise there.

The evolution of dragons

Today is a day of rest on the UK blog tour, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find another guest post, somewhere, for your amusement and edification.

Up at Everyday eBook today: The Evolution of Dragons.

Also, here’s a recap of the exciting Toronto Public Library event I did with Kelley Armstrong, from Michele at Just a Li’l Lost. Thanks, Michele! And thanks again to Small Print Toronto, Toronto Public Library, Kelley Armstrong, Random House Canada, Mabel’s Fables, and all the wonderful attendees whose enthusiasm made it such a fun evening!

I got some really lovely fan art that evening, too, which I plan to show you soon!

My UK blog tourism continues

Today’s guest post is up at My Book Journey. Thanks to Hannah for hosting!

She wants to see my dragon drawings now… I should dig them up and post a few so we can all have a good chuckle!

It’s officially official:

Seraphina made the #8 spot on the New York Times Bestseller list, Children’s Chapter Books division, for July 29th, 2012. I am still kind of reeling at this news.

How does that happen to a debut novel? Well, I’m sure each book has its own story to tell. The fine folks at Random House have been behind the book 100%, for which I am incredibly grateful. Thank you all so much. I also want to thank all the book bloggers, internet reviewers, and GoodReaders who read the ARC early on, liked the book, and spread the word.

YOU did this. All of you. Thank you so very much.

I do just want to add that if you look at the Picture Book list, who do you also see at #8? That’s right. DRAGONS LOVE TACOS. So, we meet again old friend! This book and mine are following each other around, it appears. It is the Summer of Dragons, some of them taco-loving, some… not. But it can’t possibly be a coincidence!!