Seraphina in Irish, and other delights

Hello computer-friends. You’re probably wondering where I’ve been. In a hole, is where, working hard on the Tess of the Road sequel. It’s still called Tess of the Sea, and am very close to finished. Just a few more twiddly fixes, and then it’s off to copyediting. As soon as there’s a date, I’ll let you know.

My other exciting news, however, is that my first novel, Seraphina, has been translated into Irish by my extremely smart and talented husband, Scott Oser. It will be out soon from Coiscéim (another date I will let you know as soon as I have it). Below is the cover, featuring some repurposed artwork of mine. Those of you who have been with me a long time will recognize it as a panel from Belondweg Blossoming, plus dragon.

Below, you can read a PDF preview of the prologue (in Irish!). If you can’t read Irish yet, no worries! I’ll leave it up long enough for you to learn.

4 thoughts on “Seraphina in Irish, and other delights

  1. I can read the wiord ‘agus,’ so I’m that far ahead. It’s the same in Scottish Gælic, and when my wife and I were in the highlands, we tuned into Gælic radio just to hear it. ‘Agus’ was the only word I could make out there as well.

Speak, friend!