Current and upcoming

Apparently there’s a tradition of previous Morris Award winners interviewing the new nominees. I feel honoured to have been interviewed by the winner of the very first Morris Award, and fellow fantasy writer, the incomparable Elizabeth C. Bunce. It’s up at her blog. Go read and enjoy!

Also! Next week (1/28) is Rachel Hartman week at! It’s mentioned down toward the bottom of this article about Christopher Paolini week (this week). Super exciting!

5 thoughts on “Current and upcoming

  1. Do we have a date (even an approximate one) for the new book? I simply cannot wait for it to be released!!! I loved every second of Seraphina, so much so that I would only allow myself to read a few pages at a time, to stretch it out for as long as possible!

  2. Rachel – I just finished reading Seraphina. What a delight it was to read a book with such real characters. I can’t wait to find out more about Seraphina, Kiggs, Glisselda and the others. I can be patient, but it won’t be easy 😉

  3. Pingback: Mini-Review: Seraphina by Rachel Hartman | Fantasy Cafe | Reviews of Fantasy and Science Fiction Books

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